Pisan Projects

> Pisan Projects >Project for the conditioning and improvement of the C-14 road

Ter bicycle path. Section: Perella Bridge to Sant Pau de Segúries.

Ter bicycle path. From the path, the Pont del Reixac in Llanars. Section: Perella Bridge to Sant Pau de Segúries. Construction management and modified project drafting for the Ter River bicycle path and two metal crossing structures over two irrigation canals.

  • Four single-span metal structures. Over the Ter River: Lengths of 75 m. and 54 m. over local irrigation systems of 30m and 24m.
  • Concrete piling as foundation for structures over the Ter River.

The new section of the Ter River bicycle path that connects Sant Joan de les Abadesses and Sant Pau de Segúries has entered into service. This section connects the Perella Bridge in Sant Joan with Sant Pau de Segúries, and thus this municipality with the Iron Route. It has a length of 2.6 kilometers and has cost 1.9 million euros, funded by the Department of the Vice Presidency and Digital Policies and Territory. The route runs parallel to the left bank of the Ter River, from the Can Barrera irrigation canal until it reaches the C-38 road, which it follows until arriving at Sant Pau de Segúries. Four Passeres of lengths between 24 and 75 meters have been built over the Ter River and the Can Barrera and Quatrecases irrigation canals.

  • Cliente: Infraestructures.cat

  • Presupuesto: 1.9 million euros.

  • Ejecución obra: 31 de December de 2021